A natural approach – no orthotics, no surgery, no medication
Knee Pain & Your Feet
“Knee pain, hip pain and lower back pain can occur due to local structures in these areas being directly traumatised or damaged. However, if there is no history of trauma in these area and they are painful when weightbearing, it will be due to poor foot posture and mechanics. Alternative poor foot posture will aggravate the knees, hips and back thus causing pain.”
What causes Knee pain?
If your feet roll in (low arches) or roll out (high arches) due to poor foot posture (mis-aligned joints / subluxation) this will causes twisting around the knees, hips and lower back. The majority of knee pain cases are directly related to poor foot posture and it is vital that this is corrected naturally before opting for medication or surgery. Commonly, knee pain is experienced in the front inner region and poor foot posture is one of the principle causes of the knee pain. In fact long term poor foot posture may even affect the upper back and neck.
A mis-alignment of the bones of the feet (subluxation) will cause the knee joint to mis-align, resulting in twisting around the knee. This will cause an imbalance in the muscle pull around the knee which will cause the knee cap to mal-track (patello-femoral syndrome) resulting in knee pain. The hips and lower back will also rotate out of alignment causing unnecessary stress and strain on the surrounding structures, eventually resulting in pain. As you continues to function like this, progressive degeneration of the joints starts to set in.

The foot is the foundation to the whole body. Therefore when the foot rolls inward or pronates excessively it has a negative flow on effect on the knee and hip. This results in joint and ligament strain and eventually osteoarthritis. Correcting your foot posture is essential for long term knee and hip pain relief.
How to fix painful knees, hips and lower back issues
Taking a thorough history, assessing which structures around the area of pain are affected and assessing the mechanics of your feet and legs is vital to stop and prevent foot related knee, hip and lower back pain. Corrective podiatrists are trained to gently mobilise the knees in specific ways that help release tension and strain. Particular balancing exercises are also helpful to stabilise the ankle and knee joint.
Many people see a general practitioner, physiotherapist, chiropractor, osteopath or masseur for their pain, only to find that it is still present or has comes back again. This is because they have not addressed and corrected their body’s foundation – their poor foot posture.
Foot Posture Centre podiatrists are trained in identifying if your knee, hip and lower back pain is related to your foot biomechanics. If you are suffering from persistent knee, hip and lower back pain make an appointment with our podiatrists to see if it is originating from your feet.
Call out office in Forest Hill 9877 0056 or Ivanhoe 9499 2006 for your appointment.
WARNING: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional podiatric advice. Treatment will vary between individuals depending on the diagnosis and presenting complaint. An accurate diagnosis can only be made following personal consultation with a Podiatrist.
Take your first step, call or email us today to arrange an appointment.
John Sfinas
99 Mahoneys Road,
Forest Hill Victoria, 3131
Telephone 03 9877 0056
Claude Tobgui
217 Upper Heidelberg Road,
Ivanhoe Victoria, 3079
Telephone 03 9499 2006