Relieve Your Foot Pain Naturally

“Relieve your foot pain naturally.  No surgery.  No orthotics.  No drugs.

There is a naturally better treatment for chronic foot and leg problems.

Foot, heel, ankle and knee pain.

Looking for a different solution to you foot and leg pain?

Are you sick and tired of sore feet and legs?  If so, there is a natural solution to relieving your foot and ankle pain with no orthotics, no surgery and no medication.  It simply involves the use of gentle foot and leg mobilisation, corrective exercises and postural/gait retraining.

What is the Cause?

Potentially, like so many people we’ve seen, the cause of much of your pain could simply be due to poorly aligned feet.

Your feet support your whole body.  Therefore, any misalignment or restriction of movement in your lower limbs, will eventually cause painful symptoms anywhere from your toes, right through to your heels, ankles, shins, knees, hips and even into your lower back.  So, like a house, if your foundations are out of alignment, it affects your whole structure.

Our Approach

Our approach to solving your foot and leg pain is to find and correct the cause. During the initial consultation we will evaluate your condition and discuss with you the most appropriate treatment options.  We may recommend weight bearing foot x-rays, which will help confirm the presence of any misaligned joints and the extent of any joint wear and tear eg osteoarthritis.

Following that, the podiatrist may provide specific foot and leg mobilisation and recommend exercises tailored to your needs.  On average, clients notice improved symptoms between 1-4 weeks.  Those clients that are seeking structural correction of their poorly aligned feet (ie correction of flat feet, rolled in ankles and excessive pronation), should allow around 6 months to achieve this.  The correction process has the added benefit of resolving pain as well as straightening and strengthening your feet and legs.

To correct your foot problems naturally, without orthotics, medication or surgery, Call your nearest Foot Posture Centre or visit

Claude Tobgui
